I've been such a terrible reader lately. I have been reading, yes. I just haven't been updating everyone else on what I've been reading.
So the book that I'm struggling to finish at the moment is Marlen Haushofer's The Wall. I'm almost done with it. I just don't know where I put the darn book. That's the problem with readers. Sometimes we have so many book bags that I can't remember which bag has what book. But I will find it, not to worry.
It is a very interesting tale, that's for sure. It's made me think of my fate should I ever get stuck behind some transparent wall away from everyone else where I'm the only living human being left on the planet. I'll have a dog to keep me company and a cow, too, to give me milk every day, but to live in the Austrian mountains? That's the premise of Haushofer's eco-feminist book that predates Stephen King's Under the Dome by about 30 years. It's not science fiction at all. Simply a tale of one woman's journey to survive day after day.
I first learned about this book from an Austrian blogger who asked the question (from what I could translate) about whether she'd be able to survive on her own - as well as how she would fare if she were stuck behind that wall with actor Richard Armitage for company. Hmmm...Armitage is not a bad choice - not a bad choice at all.
But whether he'd know what to do to survive would be a whole different thing entirely.